Today I received my very first chinese spam mail. A very exciting occasion. I don't really know what triggered it, since I don't recall ever visiting any site that might lead to such an outcome, and of course I can't very well read it (since my Mandarin skills have yet to magically develop after being bit by a chinese silk worm).
In fact, I can't even be sure that it's chinese. It mentions,, 1993 and 1995, but that's all I can understand. It also provides a mysterious link to yahoo news which I haven't yet clicked on, though I suppose my curiosity will soon get the better of me.
In any case, I give you the link and the title in the off-chance that any of you spent your formative years eating rice, binding your feet to make them small and practising martial arts (I think I got the basic prejudices right, but if you can think of any other feel free to chip in!):
In fact, I can't even be sure that it's chinese. It mentions,, 1993 and 1995, but that's all I can understand. It also provides a mysterious link to yahoo news which I haven't yet clicked on, though I suppose my curiosity will soon get the better of me.
In any case, I give you the link and the title in the off-chance that any of you spent your formative years eating rice, binding your feet to make them small and practising martial arts (I think I got the basic prejudices right, but if you can think of any other feel free to chip in!):