December 11, 2006

I just realised, my post before the hiatus was dated October 9. We became a sort-of couple on October 10... Second month anniversary yesterday. No wonder I was so jacked up with "Everybody needs somebody to love".
Sort-of couple that evolved with time. I'm so glad I didn't chicken out. We're so glad, actually.

Oh, and feel free to trash him if you want, because he doesn't know about my web alter-ego =P
What the world needs now
is love sweet love
It's the only thing
that there's just too little of
What the world needs now
is love sweet love
No not just for some
but for everyone

It figures, right? I wasn't going to be the one to abandon friends (and you are, after all, friends in a quirky way) for a boy. I intensely disliked people who did that for a long time. It drove me mad (a little envy and a little jealousy -- they're not the same thing but they both apply in this case).
But of course, spring comes around and I quit posting like I'm a non-wired cockroach stranded after an atomic bomb (I'm a quick trip to google away from finding out whether it's true or not that cockroaches can survive in a nuclear scenario, but I'd rather not know. If I do, I'll probably forget and then feel stupid the next time the topic surfaces...)
So. I suppose you'd like to know the gory details. Let's make a list of the miscellanea you've been missing:

1) you should definitely see Al Gore's "An inconvenient truth". If you don't like Gore, it will bother you intensely. If you don't mind him, it'll annoy you just a bit. If you like him, you'll love it. But in any case, you should still see it. One of the (very) few films I think everyone should see, just to be on the same page

2) the boy is nice. Very nice. In Spanish, using the L word (love, people!!) is sort of a big deal. We haven't got that far, but we have a different concept, "querer" (as in "te quiero" = "I love you" but not quite), which is far more heterogenous than love. Love (amor) is only for couples, "te quiero" you say to your mother, your friends, your siblings, even your pet, I suppose

3) just to be original, I'm studying. Yet again. So every second I'm NOT studying, I basically spend with him, which doesn't leave much time for anything else.

4) i'm happier than I remember being in quite a while. Also, I'm smiling a lot. Particularly with him, but in general too. My jaws may fall off soon, but I could get used to this...

5) I think I failed my first midterm ever. Ouch. That hurts. I'll try to keep you posted on how that story unfolds, but I haven't got much hope (scratch that, I have plenty hope, but it's not very rational)

6) i saw some lovely fireworks, but I'll save that story for later

7) Pinochet died? hmm... I could reflect on that, but I'm not really in that mood

8) a football (that is, soccer) coach got mad at a referee (here in Uruguay) and grabbed some lime (the white powder on the field) and threw it in the referee's eyes, blinding him. How about that?! I couldn't believe it... we aren't a savage society, you know. Hard to believe though, I suppose

9) I missed posting, actually, I just hadn't realised. I'll try to be back more often, I know you miss me =P

10) the boy is so nice and kind and smart and handsome and funny and he loves me so much and I love him so much... somebody should come and hit me soon

Happy Kwanzaa!