April 03, 2006

I went AWOL (which I only recently discovered means Away WithOut License) for a week, and it was probably this year's best week so far.
I don't really think anyone will be much interested in this information, but I'd love to share it if only to keep talking about it and feel even more depressed that it's over.
The plot itself is short and to the point: I won an entrepreneurial challenge (or something of the sort) with a few friends from school, and the prize was a week in Rio (de Janeiro) to participate in the Latin American finals.
We didn't win, not even close, but that was probably the LEAST important point in a huge LIST of points that make me wish very much that the whole get-together had lasted for a month, not a week.

I'm sorry. I was going to give the whole travelogue thing a shot, but I just don't know where to start. It was just AMAZING (and let it be said for the record that I loathe stupid superlatives, but right now they seem like the only choice), and of no interest to anyone but myself and those who were there.

I apologize. When I have quit whining and remembering and longing (which I hope will be soon enough), I'll come back with something light and funny.
Meanwhile, here's an actual butler's blog. Who knew?


Blogger SRH said...

AWOL is actually a US military acronym. It means Absent WithOut Leave. Menaing that a soldier is AWOL if he/she is not present for duty with a pre-authorized "leave."

The US military is all about the acronyms. Glad your week in Rio went well.

Blogger jude said...

Duly noted.

Blogger JEP said...

jude, you have to try the travelogue thing. These are the types of things that draw blog readers in. For instance, I think I hooked most of my regular readers with posts about travel such as:





I would highly reccommend taking some time to outline your trip while it is still fresh!

Blogger SRH said...

I agree with jep, travellogues are typically quite interesting. I would imagine a travelogue to Rio could be nothing but interesting


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