March 07, 2006

Now that I know I have an audience (or the possibility of an audience, anyway), I'm starting to get the jitters. Isn't it always much easier to write/speak/sing/perform in general when there's no one watching?
At least, that's the case for me.
Now I stutter, I doubt, I delete, I restate... In a (horrid, I know) pun (if that's what a pun is; I'm never sure actually), you could say that it's a hard world out there for a word-pimp.
Did I fall so low as to actually exceed your bad-ness expectations? I certainly think so.

Tomorrow is Women's Day, I think. It somehow feels odd to talk about that, a bit too political to be included in the "utmost levity" theme. But I ain't got nuthin else (yeah, I know, I should shut up right now before somebody definitely decides this is not worthy of the valuable time they could otherwise spend eating noodles with fresh basil or contemplating the meaning of life while staring at a blank screen).

Well, then, Women's Day. I don't see the point. I don't really see the point in any Day with a capital D. Except birthdays, of course, and Christmas (not for religion but because it sort of brings people together, even if we do have to stand a lot of fartsy feel-good song and dance about it), and any holiday which provides days of from school/work.
But Women's Day, I don't get. There seem to be no perks to anyone in having it, except if your boss is feeling guilty about being a sexist dickhead and gives you some hypocritical flowers that look nice on your desk (which implies a perk for florists, too).
Other than that, I dislike the idea that women should have a special Day. It feels like a sucky tradeoff that got signed late Friday when most people had already left the office and those who stayed desperately wanted to wrap it up; something like: "We'd love to give you equality in the workplace, but that's just not happening right now; how about we give you an International Women's Day with a third page headline guaranteed once a year instead? Huh? Pretty good, right?"

PS: when did I get so bad-mouthed? and politicized? since when do I have an AGENDA?!?
Could we please scratch this and pretend it never happened? (I know I could choose not to post it, but I spent a long time here with my eyes falling out of their sockets and it would depress me if it had been in vain)


Blogger kranki said...

A cumshaw is a gift. Welcome to the strange world known as the Blogishpere. Don't worry about people reading. Nobody knows who you are so write good, bad, or ugly but always write for yourself first. Oh and comment on my blog even when you have nothing to say.



Blogger Fred said...

how about female cockroaches, eh?

Do they have rights???

Blogger Maya said...

I forgot women's day existed.

yay for blog audiences. I like having one, myself.

Blogger kranki said...

Shit, noodles with fresh basil?! What the hell am I doing reading this then.

Blogger jude said...

I know.
I'd actually vote for the noodles with the basil AND butter AND salt AND pepper (freshly ground) AND parmesan. Yum
And a generous slice of homemade cake, the kind with the really buttery, spongy base and apricots on top with brown sugar caramel, just out of the oven. With, of course, a nice dollop of whipped cream on the side (actual cream, no spray-on).
I do love food...


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