April 16, 2006


This is just a short post (i.e. not a REAL, I sat down and thought half a minute before I wrote this, post).

You may or may not have noticed that, barring a fleeting reference to a butler, I have never recommended or linked to a blog (OK, not true, and if you are very bored you could point out all the instances in which it is not, but I don't think any of you have reached quite that boredom threshold yet -- and I hope you never will).

However, I recently discovered a blog that actually says something which I find really interesting and new and educational in a non-boring or newsy way. So I thought I'd share it with y'all, because I'm THAT generous. Plus, she said I had a lot of personality, or words to that effect, with which she pretty much sealed the deal :)
(yup. I'm that easy)

It's http://laika-the-space-dog.blogspot.com/, and you could do worse than read her comment on my moon post. Verry nice.

Oh, and don't be jealous, the rest of you. I'll gush over you in my next posts



Blogger SRH said...

I am sooooo jealous;)

Blogger Continental Drift said...

What ho Jude?!

I really do love anything written by Plum – Mr. Mulliner, Psmith, good ole Bertram, Gussie Fink-Nottle et al have given me immense pleasure and have made many a rum day disappear. Most remarkable chap, that Plum.

I burst into loud peals of laughter whenever I read Wodehouse, and I’m very excited to meet another Wodehouse fan (from Uruguay, no less)! Isn’t the internet cool? (A most un-Wodehouseian expression description for sure).

You write very well, and I look forward to reading more of your blog.

Pip Pip!

Oh, and how did you stumble upon my blog?

Blogger jude said...

Hullo, continental!

What's your name (or nom de plume, if you prefer)? Because continental just doesn't ring right.

My personal favourite is Leave it to Psmith. The combination of Psmith, Lord Emsworth and Rupert Baxter is just too much for me to pass unscathed. Loud peals of laughter don't even begin to describe my reaction...

Perhaps instead of cool we could employ peachy as a more appropriate Wodehousian term for the Internet, don't you think?

Thanks for the compliment (ditto on both counts), and I stumbled upon your musings through the repetitive pressing of the NEXT button in the upper right corner of any blogspot.

I have to go to bed or I'll turn into a pumpkin soon, but don't be a stranger!

Pip pip!



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